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BPO Intranet
BEG Training Type
In today’s competitive DOS environment, a noticeable accent can sometimes affect the way you are perceived and prevent you from realising your full potential. Colleagues and clients may find they misunderstand you or need to ask you to repeat yourself. Accent neutralization will improve the way you are perceived and how effectively you communicate.

Linked to the way you speak is how you hear and understand others speaking? A greater awareness of how sounds are produced and the voice is used in your local environment will help you to assimilate these features into your own speech.

Accent neutralization and Recognition, will help to improve the sound and style of the speech while focusing on any particular features of the accent that cause unintelligibility. Upon completion of the Accent neutralization and Recognition training you will speak with greater clarity and reduced accent that reflects positively on oneself and the organisation.

Training methodology:

Our Voice and Speech course includes:

  • Rhythm and stress patterns
  • Using intonation for attitude and emotion
  • Pausing and breathing
  • Relationship between spelling and pronunciation
  • Accent familiarisation and extended listening practice
  • Emphasis is laid on the lower jaw movement of the trainees

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