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Infulence and negotiation
Essentials of how to make a positive impact and obtain acknowledgement and recognition for the same . Also to be an active contributor to the team activities thereby influencing the team's direction and contribution .

Communication and Business Etiquette
"To be able to identify desired Etiquette at work place and practice necessary skills.To be able to identify desired etiquette at social events and practice necessary skills.Workplace Etiquette"

Mastering the Soft Skills
Soft skills play a vital role for professional success; they help one to excel in the workplace and their importance cannot be denied in this age of information and knowledge. Good soft skills -- which are in fact scarce -- in the highly competitive corporate world will help you stand out in a milieu of routine job seekers with mediocre skills and talent.

The Smyth County Industry Council, a governing body based in the US, conducted a survey recently. The results of the survey was called the Workforce Profile which found "an across-the-board unanimous profile of skills and characteristics needed to make a good employee." The people most likely to be hired or promoted for available jobs have what employers call "soft skills"

Valuing and Building an Emotional Quotient (E.Q)
This is the essential premise of EQ: to be successful requires the effective awareness, control and management of one's own emotions, and those of other people. EQ embraces two aspects of intelligence:
  • Understanding yourself, your goals, intentions, responses, behaviour and all.
  • Understanding others, and their feelings.

Decision making (Level-2)
decision-making and problem solving are important skills for business and life. Problem-solving often involves decision-making, and decision-making is especially important for management and leadership. There are processes and techniques to improve decision-making and the quality of decisions. Decision-making is more natural to certain personalities, so these people should focus more on improving the quality of their decisions. People that are less natural decision-makers are often able to make quality assessments, but then need to be more decisive in acting upon the assessments made

Managing stress mantaining a work-life balance (Level-0)
Stress in the workplace reduces productivity, increases management pressures, and makes people ill in many ways, evidence of which is still increasing. Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain, including functions of work performance; memory, concentration, and learning. In the UK over 13 million working days are lost every year because of stress. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses (UK HSE stress statistics).

Anger and Stress Management
Anger is a natural human emotion and is nature's way of empowering us to "ward off" our perception of an attack or threat to our well being. The problem is not anger; the problem is the mismanagement of anger. Mismanaged anger and rage is the major cause of conflict in our personal and professional relationships.

Leading Vs Managing (Level-0)
A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader. The leader of the work group may emerge informally as the choice of the group. If a manager is able to influence people to achieve the goals of the organization, without using his or her formal authority to do so, then the manager is demonstrating leadership

Synchronisation of personal and organisational goals
People and Organisations are inextricably bound up with each other. People need organizations to achieve their goals. Organisations need people to achieve theirs. How these dynamics are managed determines the effectiveness of the organisation and its people. How individuals syncnchronise their goals to suit the organisations success will result in both their success.

The linking approach inspires individuals to see the value of embracing a common purpose or we perspective. This happens when individuals see that their goals can be achieved if “others” goals are achieved. And “others” goals might include those of a team member, workgroup, department, division, or organization.

Competitive Intelligence
Here is the 'conscious competence' learning model and matrix.The conscious competence model explains the process and stages of learning a new skill (or behaviour, ability, technique, etc.) It most commonly known as the 'conscious competence learning model', sometimes 'conscious competence ladder' or 'conscious competence matrix', although other descriptions are used, including terminology relating to 'conscious skilled' and 'conscious unskilled' which is preferred by Gordon Training.

    i.   Time management
    ii.   Assertiveness
    iii.   Empathy

The conscious competence model explains the process and stages of learning a new skill (or behaviour, ability, technique, etc)

Time Management
Time management starts with the commitment to change. Time management is easy as long as you commit to action. The key to successful time management is planning and then protecting the planned time, which often involves re-conditioning your environment, and particularly the re-conditioning the expectations of others. In terms of time management, you are at your most efficient the day before you start your annual leave. Your time management and efficiency on this day is probably awesome. If you really want to, you can be this well-organized every day...

Vision Strategy and goals
Both people and organizations need to establish a strategic framework for significant success. This framework consists of:
  • a vision for your future,
  • a mission that defines what you are doing,
  • values that shape your actions,
  • strategies that zero in on your key success approaches, and
  • goals and action plans to guide your daily, weekly and monthly actions.
Your organization's success and your personal success depend on how well you define and live by each of these important concepts. In fact:

Mentoring (tools and techniques)
Mentoring is a tool that organizations can use to nurture and grow their people. It can be an informal practice or a formal program. Protégés observe, question, and explore. Mentors demonstrate, explain and model. The following assumptions form the foundation for a solid mentoring program.
  • Deliberate learning is the cornerstone.
  • Both failure and success are powerful teachers.
  • Leader need to tell their stories.
  • Development matures over time

Managing C-sat Index
Because satisfaction is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in the effort of quantitative measurement, although a large quantity of research in this area has recently been developed. Work done by Berry, Bordeaux between 1990 and 1998[3] defined ten 'Quality Values' which influence satisfaction behavior, further expanded by Berry in 2002 and known as the ten domains of satisfaction. These ten domains of satisfaction include: Quality, Value, Timeliness, Efficiency, Ease of Access, Environment, Inter-departmental Teamwork, Front line Service Behaviors, Commitment to the Customer and Innovation

Quality Awareness
Insights of Quality history and their relevance today. Will discuss the quality standards like ISMS,ISO, PCMM and their relavance to normal business functions.

The Service concept (Level-1)
Understand Customer Service and its importance while dealing with Clients.
Define various stages & components that lead to effective communication
Develop the relevant skills to manage Customer Expectations

Instruments of Quality Control
To understand the seven quality tools required for measuring and analysing recorded data.

MS Excel and Reporting PDP SESSION II
Creating a workbook
Meet the workbook
Enter data
Edit data and revise worksheets

Managing Quality Standards
For PDP level I : includes Insights of Quality history and their relevance today. Will discuss the quality standards like ISMS,ISO, PCMM and their relavance to normal business functions.To understand the seven quality tools required for measuring and analysing recorded data. Also this will introduce the basic concept and application of Six Sigma.

Power presentation - Skills and techniques PDP SESSION V
Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, a presentation carries the speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the participants. Also includes the basic skills of formulating a Ms ppt.

Six Sigma (DMAIC Methodology)
A method or set of techniques, Six Sigma has also become a movement focused on business process improvement. It is a quality measurement and improvement program originally developed by Motorola that focuses on the control of a process to the point of ± six sigma (standard deviations) from a centerline, or put another way, 3.4 defects per million items. A Six Sigma systematic quality program provides businesses with the tools to improve the capability of their business processes. ...

Conflict Resolution
The reality is that if you put two or more people in close quarters, eventually, you’ll have a conflict. And so it goes in today’s modern office.The B.I.F. Approach: Here’s a better way. Let’s examine the B.I.F. Approach letter by letter:

B - Behavior - First, describe the behavior. Use specific facts or an objective description. It’s important to keep from asking questions that will put him or her on the defensive and possibly start an argument all before we even get to the point.

I - Impact - Next, tell the effects that the behavior is having on you. How is it affecting your job or your performance?

F - Feelings - Lastly, relate how the behavior and impact cause you to feel.

Future and trends in the DOS/ITES industry
Despite the exponential growth of the DOS/ITES industry in the pesent decade , the employees are yet to determine a strong career sense in this industry. It talks of the present and future of this industry in depth with inputs from NASSCOM with a preview thst each employee looks more creatively and contributively towards the out put of their work.

Building an ethical leadership (Level-2)
"Leaders can sometimes be blinded by their own feelings of self-importance, and more dangerously can believe that the leader's job requires them to shoulder the burden of decisions which cause anguish and suffering, or worse. Believing that leadership carries some sort of right to take risks with other people's well-being is nothing more than arrogant delusion. A strong feature of good leadership is knowing when, and having the strength, to find another way - the ethical way. Attempts to uncover a few important leadership traits eg
  1. transparency - am I happy to make my decision public - especially to the people affected by it?
  2. effect - have I fully considered the harmful effects of my decision and how to avoid them?
  3. fairness - would my decision be considered fair by everyone affected by it (consider all stakeholders - the effects of decisions can be far-reaching)

Management perspective: Interviwing, Attrition and absentisim (Level - 2)
DOS industry in India is growing at a very rapid pace of 40-50% growth rate annually.

This sector is said to be poised to generate one million jobs by the year 2008.

But, this industry faces a very acute problem of attrition rate which is as high as 30-40%. What is attrition Understanding the deep causes.

Understanding the control reasons of attrition. What is a managers role in contributing or managing the same.

Delegation Management
Delegation is one of the most important management skills. These logical rules and techniques will help you to delegate well (and will help you to help your manager when you are being delegated a task or new responsibility - delegation is a two-way process!). Good delegation saves you time, develops you people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivates and confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. So it's a management skill that's worth improving. Here are the simple steps to follow if you want to get delegation right, with different levels of delegation freedom that you can offer.

Business Communication - Phonetics and Linguistics
Essentials of business speech and crisp pronunciation, this training highlights its relevance in the DOS industry.

Business Communication creative business writing Part I
Business writing with grammatical self correction is the highlight of this training. This training will involve all those processes primarily involved in written information exchange to increase efficiency in everday work.

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