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BEG Training and Development
Training Best Practice — Business Excellence Approach

In today’s business environment where change is constant, technology is accessible and skill shortages are commonplace, people are the key differentiator between those businesses that succeed and those that don’t. It is little wonder then that the training and development function in an organization plays a pivotal role in moving an organization forward.

The Business Excellence Model for best practice training management recognizes the systems nature of organizations and takes an evolutionary approach to achieving best practice. What this means is that the training and development function is largely an independent within the organization for its effectiveness and, because of this independence, we achieve world-class performance all at once.

Indeed, you might say R systems International is built around a learning culture — it is an essential investment in the future of our firm, and of our people.

“To develop the people so they can increase the competitive advantage and value of the business”
All the Training and development programs at the RSI DOS are rather formal and continual, and a part of a strategic training plan.

Learning and Development activities are offered and all are encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities, however the offerings are always part of a formal program that is linked to organizational goals and long-range objectives.

Training programs at RSI, Noida
A. Preprocess Trainings
1. ISMS Training ( Information Security management System
2. Culture training 
    a. American culture
    b. British Culture
3. Future and trends of the BPO industry
4. Effective communication Skills training
    a. Written: Emails, Chats, drafts and reports.
    b. Verbal: Sentence Construction and formation.
5. Voice and Accent(Accent Neutralization training) for Voice processes
6. Customer Service training
7. Training on Telephone etiquettes
B. Process Trainings
1. Specific product /Process Training
2. On Job trainings (Nesting)
3. Product/Process refresher trainings
4. Interprocess Trainings- RFIST
C. Development programs
   Learning and Development programs
    1. Monthly Development Program Trainings
    2. Business Communication Training
    3. Quality Analyst Training and Certifications (Six Sigma)
    4. Soft skills Training
    5. Train the trainer certifications
    6. MS Office trainings (Excel –Basic and Advanced, Project management, Power Point etc.)

    Career Development Programs
    1. Leadership Development Program
    2. Mentorship Program
    3. Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness
New Hire training Plan:
Consists of the pre process and the process training schedule.
All new hires are required to undergo a mandatory Pre process training scheduled for 2 to 9 working days depending on the need and the process complexity.
After completing the preprocess training the trainees are evaluated and passed on for process training only after meeting the expected performance levels.
Process training is provided with needs for the present job. It may vary from a period of 4 days to 3 weeks again depending upon the process requirement, complexity or client needs. It is the process of acquisition of technology which permits employees to perform their present job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the employee is presently doing or is being hired to do.
A person's performance is improved by showing her how to master a new or established technology. The technology may be a computer skill or language, a procedure for creating a product, or a method of providing a service.
Learning and Development programs are training people to do a different job. It is often given to people who have been identified as being promotable, being considered for a new job either lateral or upwards, or to increase their potential to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables our people to create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or future job. Development can be considered the forefront of what many now call us as a Learning Organization.
Training faculty
Our faculty is comprised of a superior team of facilitators and educators. Each team member brings at least 3 years experience in the field of his/her specialty. They are essentially segregated into Organisational development trainers (specializing at understanding organisational behaviour) language trainers (Voice, Accent) and process specific trainers who in turn are subject expert’s .Not only do we have excellent experience and skills, but we also have a great attitude. We strive to develop strong partnerships with our clients.
< Our core team of trainers and instructors provide the consistency and continuity that is essential. Each is always available for support to our executives and clients even after the engagements. In addition to our core team, we partner with carefully selected extraordinary practitioners and educators to bring out an extended curriculum and extraordinary depth, and we can provide with consulting assistance on any area.
To contact a faculty member with specific expertise in a competency or industry area, please contact us at LDP.BusinessExcell@rsystems.com and we will be happy to put you in touch with one of our team members.

I am glad to express my gratitude towards the organization for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this Leadership program. It has enhanced my skills as an individual and a leader.
Thanks & Regards
Shilpa Kalyani
Team Leader - Medac
Congratulations!!!!! It has to be paid off because of such awesome trainings provided here in R Systems.
Thanks & Regards,
Shital Varma
Group Leader – Good Technology

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