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BPO Intranet
Inter Process or
Cross Trainings
  • Groups finalized
  • Executives wanting to get into trainings other than their groups will have to give a basic requirement test. (Specially in technical side)
  • Every executive will have to get trained on at least one other process
  • BEG will send a mail to the BPO group for nominations
  • Based on the nominations and the process requirements calendar will be prepared
RFIST has been designed to create a Cross- trained pool of employees who could be called upon to work in a process other than their “home” account in the event of a staffing emergency.
It also provides ongoing opportunities for staff development and gives R Systems a competitive edge with regards to decreased attrition and increased employee satisfaction.
The benefits of cross-training to staff are many, including enhanced job skills, increased versatility for career mobility and advancement, increased intellectual stimulation and confidence, increased communication with staff in other processes and less isolation of individuals within specialized departments.
The goal of RFIST is to reduce the Buffer/Shadow resources on our Technical accounts in order to increase the bottom line margins of our processes.
RFIST intends to focus on the Technical Support Operations of R Systems BPO.
Certifications offered
  • Mobile Messaging Support Certification (MMSC)
  • Network Security Support Certification (NSSC)
  • Developer Support Certification (DSC)
  • QA Testing Certification (QAC)
RFIST Analysis

The beginning stages of RFIST Program involved a SWOT analysis test that was conducted amongst all agents in Technical Processes to capture the feasibility of the project and the results were overwhelming with 90% of agents willing to participate in such a program.

Training Methodology
Beginners - Trainee inculcates the basic knowledge and skill set required for the given Process.
Intermediate - Trainee inculcates the specific process knowledge and skill set.
Advanced - Trainee inculcates On-The-Job Training for the specific Process

Brief outline on Training

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